Search Results
Christianity 101: An Islamic Approach to Understand Christian Beliefs | Dr. Ali Ataie
Introduction to the New Testament Gospels For Muslims: Matthew, Mark, Luke & John | Dr. Ali Ataie
Jesus in Islam: Addressing Misconceptions About God's Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him) | Dr. Ali Ataie
Judaism 101: What Do Jews Believe? | Dr. Ali Ataie
Historical and Theological Critique of the Christian Passion Narrative | Ustadh Dr. Ali Ataie
The Bible Through a Muslim Lens: Matthew, Mark, Luke & John | Dr. Ali Ataie
Dr. Ali Ataie No Longer Debates Christian Apologists & "Ex Muslims"
Was Early Christian Theology Polytheist? | Dr. Ali Ataie
Don't Judge Our Christian Brethren When Muslims Lack High Ambitions in Faith | Dr. Ali Ataie
Islam 101: What Do Muslims Believe? | Dr. Ali Ataie
Christianity in a Nutshell | The Basics of World Religions Series with Dr. Ali Ataie (Part 5)
How Islam Views the Person of Jesus Christ (PBUH) | Dr. Ali Ataie